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The Elam Center Project at Martin, Tennessee


The Kathleen and Tom Elam Center, University of Tennessee, Martin, TN


“The lighting at the center looks great! Both high bay and stadium lights worked efficiently and gave the desired output. The IKIO team was also interactive throughout the project, which made the overall execution very convenient. Overall, happy with the end result.”



The Kathleen and Tom Elam Center is a large, multi-purpose sports and recreation facility situated on the campus of the University of Tennessee at Martin, TN. Since it features various sports arenas, including seven basketball courts, seven racquetball courts, as well as volleyball and badminton courts, our client wanted lighting solutions that were easy to retrofit, as the project had to be finished as soon as possible. 

Apart from several non-working fixtures, there was also a replacement need for old HID lights as they were leading to inadequate light levels and increased energy bills. Sensing an opportunity for a lighting upgrade, our client reached out to us for more efficient LED options that can render better light output and reduce the operating expense at the property.


After a thorough discussion with our lighting partner — Clear Advantage Lighting — on the best lighting solutions for this specific project, IKIO offered them our best-in-range Prima UFO High Bays and RGBW Stadium Lights. Both of these luminaires are known for superior illumination and decreased energy consumption. 

Of all the distributions, they used 300 W and 240 W Prima UFO High Bays and 300 W RGBW Stadium Lights. They strategically planned the placement of all the IKIO’s lights, resulting in better coverage and a reduced number of fixtures. This would further result in lower operating costs, as well as a reduction in the overall maintenance expenses in the future. All these replacements and adjustments will allow significant savings for this project in the long run. 



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